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After meeting with Dr. Kaswan and doing some preliminary follow-up, Whitt decided that her story must be a part of his book. He spoke to his publisher, New South Books, and pushed back the book's release date to allow him time to conduct a more thorough investigation of the Kaswan controversy.

While researching Dr. Kaswan, Whitt discovered that she was recognized by the University of Virginia's Patent Foundation as discovering one of the University Inventions that Changed the World. What's more, he found that Restasis is the most profitable innovation to ever emerge from the halls of UGA, surpassing all other inventions combined. Whitt was surprised that he had never heard Kaswan's name or UGA's in conjunction with the blockbuster drug and wondered why UGA had not trumpeted the discovery and its faculty inventor.

Once he read the lawsuits between UGA, UGARF and Dr. Kaswan, Whitt found part of the answer he had been seeking. Dr. Kaswan's subject matter expertise in her invention was shunned by UGA's Research Foundation when they entered into royalty monetization talks with Allergan without her knowledge. More of the answers Whitt sought were in court documents, sealed at Allergan's request. The journalist was able to get some of the files unsealed, but many files still remain closed to public scrutiny today.

More than an exposé on UGA and Michael Adams, this chapter is an indictment of the role of money and power in the balancing act of good faith and fair dealing in university intellectual property commercialization. However, based on recent comments from university representatives denouncing the book's findings, the issues raised may remain unanswered by UGA and Adams.

Behind the Hedges - Big Money and Power Politics at the University of Georgia by Rich Whitt is available at your local bookseller or online at Amazon.com or from New South Books.


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