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Táborský Case Study
Patent Number(s), Dates Issued, Patent Holder’s Name
- Patent 5,082,813: Aluminosilicates with modified cation affinity; mineral aluminosilicates enhanced as ion-exchange media for separating diverse ionic materials are provided by dry heating; a hydrated mineral alumino-silicate is irreversibly dehydrated in part, to improve the ratio of its affinity for preferred ions, relative to non-preferred ions, even though doing so reduces its affinity for both types of ions. Such dehydration is accomplished by heating the aluminosilicate until a temperature is reached at which its affinity for non-preferred cations is reduced enough that the ratio of its affinity for preferred ions to its affinity for non-preferred ions is greatly increased. Such aluminosilicates may be zeolites, such as clinoptilolite, or layered clays, such as vermiculite or smectite. 850 degrees C is an example of such temperature.
- Filed: January 6, 1989
- Inventors: Petr Táborský
- Patent 5,162,276: Preparation of modifying and using aluminosilicates; mineral aluminosilicates enhanced as ion-exchange media for separating diverse ionic materials are provided by dry heating. A hydrated mineral alumino-silicate is irreversibly dehydrated in part, to improve the ratio of its affinity for preferred ions, relative to non-preferred ions, even though doing so reduces its affinity for both types of ions. Such dehydration is accomplished by heating the aluminosilicate until a temperature is reached at which its affinity for non-preferred cations is reduced enough that the ratio of its affinity for preferred ions to its affinity for non-preferred ions is greatly increased. Such aluminosilicates may be zeolites, such as clinoptilolite, or layered clays, such as vermiculite or smectite. 850 degrees C is an example of such temperature.
- Filed: October 3, 1991
- Inventors: Petr Táborský
- Patent 5,304,365: Treating wastewater with aluminosilicates with modified cation affinity; mineral aluminosilicates enhanced as ion-exchange media for separating diverse ionic materials are provided by dry heating. A hydrated mineral alumino-silicate is irreversibly dehydrated in part, to improve the ratio of its affinity for preferred ions, relative to non-preferred ions, even though doing so reduces its affinity for both types of ions. Such dehydration is accomplished by heating the aluminosilicate until a temperature is reached at which its affinity for non-preferred cations is reduced enough that the ratio of its affinity for preferred ions to its affinity for non-preferred ions is greatly increased. Such aluminosilicates may be zeolites, such as clinoptilolite, or layered clays, such as vermiculite or smectite. 850 degrees C is an example of such temperature.
- Filed: July 2, 1992
- Inventors: Petr Táborský
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